To get your game noticed a lot of people say you need a trailer video for your game. I don't know if that is true but here is how I went about making the trailer.
Rhino Roller trailer
To do that I used Movie maker for editing, Open broadcast software (OBS) for the screen capture and Spriter and Inkscape for the logo animations.
Logo animations
To do the logo I used Inkscape to create PNGs, then in Spriter I created an animation for the logo. Then I exported the animation to multiple PNGs which I then imported into Movie Maker, changed the time to display each frame to 0.1s.
Dragging multiple .PNGs into Movie Maker
Change dsiplay time
Game Play
To capure the game play I used OBS to screen capture. I turned the music off as that will be added later in Movie Maker. I edited multple shots of game play together and added to the main trailer project.
I then added the music from the game itself into the video.
here to see the video